Monday, March 3, 2008

"stupid jerks,stupid jerks"

As Jameson and I were driving the other day, I heard him exclaim from the car seat what I heard to be "stupid jerks, stupid jerks". I assumed that I had heard him wrong, but couldn't figure out what he was trying to say. I didn't hear that phrase again until a few days later when we were in the car and again I heard him say "stupid jerks, stupid jerks". Now I knew that for some reason he says this only while we were driving. I am not a road rager and couldn't think of a time that I really ever use the words "stupid" or "jerks".....I'm sure my choice of words would be much worse actually. I know that Christian never uses these words either. I started wonderng if maybe Pat said this while he was riding with her at some point. I figured that next time I heard him say it, I would tell him that it was not nice. That evening, the mystery was solved. As we were reading his tractor book, he pointed to the bulldozer and said "stupid jerks, stupid jerks" that point I realized that he was saying "scooping dirt, scooping dirt". The reason he always says it in the car is because there is so much new construction going up around us that we are always driving by tractors scooping dirt.

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